


Sharon Bragman, MD 沙龙一. 马里兰州Brangman

沙龙一. Brangman, 医学博士曾在锡拉丘兹的纽约州立大学上州医科大学任教, 1989年10月至今. 她目前是杰出服务教授, 老年医学主席兼推荐最近最火的赌博软件阿尔茨海默病卓越中心主任.

Dr. Brangman received her undergraduate degree in biology from Syracuse University 以及她在纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学获得的医学学位 in Syracuse in 1981. 她在布朗克斯的Montefiore医疗中心完成了内科住院医师培训, 纽约, 她还在那里完成了老年医学的奖学金培训. Dr. 布兰曼是内科医师, 老年医学以及临终关怀和姑息治疗. 她是美国医师学会和美国老年医学会的会员. Dr Brangman is a past president of the American Geriatrics Society and also served as chair of the board. 除了, she is a past president and chair of the board of the Association of Directors of Geriatrics Academic Programs.

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珍妮·毕晓普,医学博士 珍妮·毕晓普,医学博士

珍妮E. 主教,米.D. 是纽约州立大学上州医科大学的医学副教授. 她获得了圣. 劳伦斯化学大学, 她获得了斯坦福大学物理治疗专业的研究生学位, 以及她在纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学获得的医学学位. Dr. 毕晓普在罗切斯特总医院完成了内科住院医师培训, 罗彻斯特, 纽约, 以及她在加州大学洛杉矶分校老年医学多校区分部获得的老年医学奖学金, 洛杉矶, CA. She is certified in internal medicine and has her Certificate of Added Qualification in Geriatric Medicine. 她也是美国医疗董事协会的注册医疗董事. 除了, 她是锡拉丘兹主教护理和康复中心的医学主任, 纽约.

Dr. 毕晓普获得了安妮塔临终关怀奖:“积极倾听”, 陪伴在床边, 及《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》,2003年出版.


安德里亚,我. Berg博士 安德里亚,我. Berg博士

Andrea Berg是纽约州立大学上州医科大学的医学助理教授. 她获得了康奈尔大学的本科学位, 伊萨卡, NY, 以及乔治华盛顿大学医学院的医学学位, 华盛顿, DC. Dr. 伯格在耶鲁-纽黑文医院完成了内科住院医师培训, 纽黑文, CT, 以及她在贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心/哈佛医学院的老年病学奖学金, 波士顿, MA. Dr. Berg拥有内科和老年医学认证.




小姐Varghese 小姐Varghese,医学博士,FACP

小姐Varghese是纽约州立大学上州医科大学的医学助理教授. 她在印度喀拉拉邦大学特里凡得琅医学院获得医学学位. Dr Varghese completed internal medicine residency and geriatrics fellowship at 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学. 之后,她在新罕布什尔州沃尔夫伯勒的哈金斯医院做了5年的住院医生. Dr Varghese is board certified in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics and is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians.





维克兰特·坦贝,医学博士 维克兰特·坦贝,医学博士

Vikrant Tambe是纽约州立大学上州医科大学的医学助理教授. 他曾就读于印度米高梅医学院医学院. He completed his Internal Medicine Residency from SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and completed a Geriatrics Fellowship from University of 罗彻斯特 and joined the CNY CEAD team in December of 2020 with a renewed interest in Geriatrics medicine. 他是内科和老年医学委员会认证




杰西·普德尼,医学博士 杰西·普德尼,医学博士

杰茜·普德尼是纽约州立大学上州医科大学的医学助理教授. 她在伊萨卡的康奈尔大学获得本科学位, NY and her Master's of Science of Public Health from Tulane University School of Public health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans, LA. 她在圣. George’s University School of Medicine in Grenada and did her residency training in Family medicine at CentraState hospital in Freehold, 从罗格斯大学罗伯特伍德约翰逊医学院毕业. She returned to her hometown of Syracuse to complete her Geriatrics Fellowship at 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学. Dr. Pudney拥有家庭医学和老年医学认证.



Alyssa Grzeskowiak, NP Alyssa Grzeskowiak, AGNP-C.

Alyssa is certified as an Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner who graduated from Niagara University with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing with a dual major in Gerontology. 她在库卡学院获得护理学硕士学位. Alyssa developed a passion for providing geriatric care early in her career and it has continued to be her area of interest. 她曾在医院、亚急性和长期护理机构为老年患者提供护理. 她于2018年加入大学老年医学协会.




斯蒂芬妮·麦格拉思,FNP 斯蒂芬妮·麦格拉思,FNP

Stephanie is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner who graduated from 上州医科大学 with her Master of Science in Nursing. She previously obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Utica College as well as a Master of Science in Acupuncture from Tri-State College of Acupuncture. She has always loved working with the geriatric population and has had many valuable experiences working with them in various settings ranging from acute to long-term care. She appreciates being able to take the time to address their needs with a holistic approach and is so happy to be a part of the team at University 如今.




Gwendolyn Moore is a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner who graduated from 上州医科大学 with a Masters of Science in Nursing. 她之前获得了Keuka College的护理学学士学位. 她对老年人口充满热情,并在这一领域工作了几年. She has experience in working for both acute and 长期护理 and is excited to be a part of the University 如今 Team.




杰弗里·欧文斯,宾夕法尼亚州 杰弗里·欧文斯,宾夕法尼亚州

杰夫开始他的职业生涯在医疗保健,呼吸治疗师,获得a.A.S. 1982年获学位. While working in a skilled nursing facility he decided to pursue a career as a Physician’s Assistant, 返回学校, 从奥尔巴尼医疗中心毕业, in 1999.

在多代同堂的家庭中长大, 他在很小的时候就学会了关爱和尊重老人的重要性. 在过去的38年里,他曾在北京的几家专业护理机构工作. 杰夫在与老年人群一起工作时发现的最有价值的东西, 提高他们的生活质量吗.




艾米丽是一名注册护士,拥有罗切斯特市门罗社区学院的学位. 艾米丽在纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的一家住院病房开始了她的职业生涯. 她目前正在学校攻读护理学学士学位. 此外,她拥有金融背景和工商管理学士学位.






Andrea started her career with geriatric patients working in an assisted living facility in a memory care unit in 2010 while working on her degree in human services at Cazenovia college. 2014年毕业于boce LPN项目. 她有一年在养老院做流动护士的经验. 2015年加入上州医科大学,在过渡护理部门工作. 2021年5月加入老年科团队.





Rebecca is a certified Gerontological Nurse with a Master of Science in Nursing from Western Governors University. Her passion to care for our older adult population developed during her five years working as an RN on the Transitional Care Unit at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Community Campus.

Rebecca于2021年夏天加入大学老年医学中心.  She is also excited to have the opportunity to continue to care for patients and families at our new location, 在新的纳皮健康研究所.



Khadijah Osbourne哈蒂嘉·奥斯本,注册护士

Khadijah received an associates degree from Onondaga Community College and her Bachelor's degree from Keuka College. She has 28 years of nursing experience; which includes 长期护理, 家庭护理, 急症护理, 重症监护. She joined 上州医科大学 Hospital in 2010 and is currently on the Board of Visitors for the CNY Psychiatric Center. 她也是CNY烧伤基金会的董事会成员. Khadijah volunteers for the Red Cross Disaster Action Team and joined the 老年科 in Nov 2022.




Heidi was born and raised in the Syracuse area and has worked as a nurse for over 30 years with a specific interest in Geriatric Care. She spent many years working in a 长期护理 facility followed by several more years working in 家庭护理. 她很荣幸能在这个久负盛名的老年病专家团队继续她的职业生涯, 护士, 社工及支援人员.






艾米丽是伊丽莎白护理学院的注册护士, 于2021年5月在大峡谷大学获得护理学士学位. Her love for working with the geriatric population began when she started her first job as a nurse assistant in 2015 at Rome Memorial Hospital. Her love for taking care of those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s/dementia stemmed from taking care of her grandpa, 谁在2014年被诊断患有路易体痴呆.

Emily joined 上州医科大学 in September 2021 at Gynecology Oncology and joined University 如今 in September 2023.




凯莉于2024年3月加入老年科团队. 她于2003年获得OCM boce的LPN学位, 在医疗保健领域照顾老年病人超过25年. 卡莉有长期护理的经验, 家庭护理, 并在一家辅助生活机构做了将近15年的管理员. 自从高中毕业成为一名认证助理,并作为一名护士工作了20多年, 她对老年人口怀有深深的感激之情.




艾莉查顿艾莉查顿, LMSW

艾莉在雪城大学获得社会工作硕士学位. She has extensive experience working with dementia and senior care in both long-term and community-based settings. 她于2021年5月加入老年团队.








Faith于2024年4月加入老年医学团队.  She received her Master's Degree in 社会工作 from Syracuse University; and has over 25 years experience working in a variety of health care settings, 包括医院, 家庭护理, 长期护理, 还有成人日间保健.