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所有申请都通过上州大学招生办公室处理. You may contact Admissions for updates at 315-464-4570. 申请人也可以登录查看申请状态.

Can I apply to a Specific Concentration?

Applicants can apply to either or both of the following MPH program concentrations: 1) Data and Analytics; and 2) Global Health and Translational Science. 有关这些浓度的更多信息可在  http://www.Upstate.edu/mph/admissions/index.php

How many credit hours does the degree require?

The MPH degree requires a minimum of 42 credit hours.

How long will it take to complete the MPH degree?

On a full-time basis, 公共卫生硕士项目数据和分析专业的学生可以在短短18个月内完成他们的学位. 学生 in the Global Health and Translational Science 在一个学年(夏季)完成硕士学位, fall and spring), 再加上一个额外的暑期学期,学生们将在他们的应用实践经验中工作.

非全日制学生必须在入学后5年内完成所有学位要求. 学位的完成也取决于课程的可用性和时间,以及学生完成课程的能力(全日制vs .全日制). part-time).


因为公共卫生是一个广泛的多学科领域, 该项目的申请者来自不同的本科学位课程. 它在方法论上根植于医学和社会科学, but relies upon skills from other areas as well. 与公共卫生相关的适用本科学位课程包括(但不限于):


——社会 & behavioral sciences (anthropology, economics, geography, policy studies or political science, psychology, public administration, sociology, social work)


- business and finance, health services management

- clinical or biological sciences (biology, environmental science, food science and nutrition, 护理, pre-medicine)

- applied mathematics and statistics

- health care providers

Are there any pre-requisites required for the MPH degree?

建议先修一些统计学和生物科学的本科或研究生课程, but not required.

What is the tuition for the MPH program?

MPH students' tuition charge will be at the prevailing SUNY Tuition & Fee Rates.

Does the Program provide graduate assistantships?

研究生助教奖学金随助学金或其他资金的可用性而波动.  For financial aid information, please visit our Financial Aid Office

我是一名博士、医学博士、法学博士(其他)学生,希望在学习期间攻读公共卫生硕士学位. What would this look like?

上州公共卫生网站为博士和医学博士学生提供了一些学习课程的例子. 我们正在为希望在攻读公共卫生硕士学位的同时获得另一个学位的其他类型的学生建立学习课程.

Are there any on-line courses?

Not at this time.


是的. You may take courses as a non-matriculated student with permission from the instructor. If you plan to eventually apply to the MPH Program, only six (6) credits will be counted towards your degree.

When can students begin the program?

数据和分析专业的学生将在每年秋季学期开始该课程. 医学博士/公共卫生硕士学生和全球健康与转化科学专业的学生将在夏季学期开始该课程.


是的. All students need to attend the MPH orientation, 不管他们是全职员工还是兼职员工.

Is the Program accredited?



学生可以选择从CHEA地区认可的学院和/或大学转移最多六(6)个非公共卫生学分,从ceph认可的公共卫生项目或学校转移最多十二(12)个研究生水平的公共卫生学分. 从认可的公共卫生项目中获得超过十二(12)学分的学生可以要求在课程等效的基础上免除部分公共卫生硕士课程, allowing the student to take more electives. Additionally, 从未被CEPH认可的学校或课程中获得十二(12)学分的学生可以申请将十二(12)学分转移到上州公共卫生硕士课程中.

Do I need a laptop?

是的, 上州公共卫生项目的所有学生都需要一台笔记本电脑, capable of running SPSS, Microsoft Word, and other programs. 一般来说,只运行基本的网络驱动操作系统的笔记本电脑(如.g. Google Chromebook), 或者只能运行单一来源的程序(运行Windows 10 S的微软Surface), 只允许从微软商店下载程序), will not satisfy this requirement. For more information visit the Current and Incoming 学生 页,如有任何问题,请向杨先生咨询. Jeffrey Wessel at [email protected].

如果你获得经济资助,需要购买笔记本电脑, 笔记本电脑的费用可以纳入你的经济援助计划. 您可以联系财政援助办公室有关这方面的信息. (P: 315-464-4329)


Job titles, position descriptions, 最近的公共卫生毕业生的工资范围将根据他们的学习课程和兴趣有很大的不同. Career titles include

  • Public Health Management Analyst
  • Director of Programs and Services
  • Health Communications Specialist
  • Project Coordinator
  • Environmental Health Intelligence Analyst
  • 研究 Associate
  • Program Administrator
  • Prevention Specialist
  • Public Health Officer (usually at the federal level)

What Happens After I'm Accepted?

被录取的学生必须提交所有必需的文件, 包括所有学院和大学的最终成绩单, 在开课前寄到招生办. 请注意,所需的健康文件必须直接提交给学生健康办公室.  Accepted students must attend New 学生 Orientation.

Can I defer My Acceptance?

If accepted, 个人可因个人或职业原因要求延期至多一年. 申请必须以书面形式提交给招生办公室. No extensions beyond the one-year are permitted.