


This fellowship will provide a broad experience in genitourinary reconstruction. The fellow will have the opportunity to care for reconstructive patients including those with congenital abnormality, acquired injury and sequelae from genitourinary 创伤/spinal cord injury, 医源性损伤, gender dysphoria or complications of gender affirming genital surgery, as well as compromise associated with cancer therapy and aging.  在治疗这些病人时, the fellow will have exposure to classical techniques, minimally invasive approaches and new and innovative techniques setting trends in reconstructive urology.

The fellowship will be supported by The State University of New York 上州医科大学, a large academic institution located in Syracuse, NY and its 泌尿外科. This group has over 20 urologists and a large, well-established referral pattern across the New York State region.


Specific emphasis is on teaching various urethroplasty techniques including anastomotic and augmentation anterior and posterior urethroplasties for patients with all causes of urethral stricture disease, urethral injury or 膀胱颈 stenosis. The fellow will have experience with formulating a plan for reconstruction based on patient’s preferences, 并发症, 病因学(辐射, 创伤, 尿道下裂, 地衣sclerosus, 医源性等), patient’s prior reconstructive efforts, 未来行动计划(一).e. sling/sphincter) and will gain technical skill to perform appropriate reconstruction. Fellow will gain experience on preoperative workup of patients including being able to perform and interpret retrograde urethrograms, 排尿膀胱尿道照片, endoscopy and being able to interpret other appropriate studies.


This part of the practice has become a center for national referrals and a large proportion of practice is dedicated to repair of complications associated with gender affirming genital surgery. The fellow will have training in surgical management of complications after phalloplasty/metoideoplasty and vaginoplasties (including repair of fistulae, strictures and other problems with functional and aesthetic outcomes). 另外, the fellow will perform primary gender affirming surgeries including metoidioplasty and vaginoplasty in a multidisciplinary surgical team with 泌尿外科 and Plastic Surgery.


The training will include evaluation and management of male urinary incontinence (such as post-prostatectomy incontinence), various techniques of placement and troubleshooting an artificial urinary sphincter (perineal, 膀胱颈, transcorporal), male sling and re-operative cases of male stress urinary incontinence.

GU Trauma and Genital reconstruction

All cases of acute urological 创伤 and management of 创伤 sequelae will be handled by the fellow. These may include bladder ruptures, 肾, urethral and ureteral injuries, and injuries to external genitalia. The fellow will work in collaboration with the 创伤 team that may include General Surgery, 整形外科, 塑料, 伯恩斯服务, SICU and others as appropriate. 另外, the fellow will learn management and tissue transfer techniques for concealed phallus, 生殖器淋巴水肿, paraffinoma and diseases associated with genital skin loss (PTO injury, 弗尔涅的, 生殖器LS).   

Upper Tract Reconstruction, Diversion and Robotics

The fellowship will provide wide exposure to robotic GU reconstruction. 肾盂成形术, ureteral reconstruction (uretero-ureterostomy, BMG输尿管成形术, reimplants, Boari皮瓣, 腰大肌结), majority of GU fistula and urinary diversion/bladder augmentation are performed robotically under supervision of Dr. 夏皮罗博士. 布莱克博士. 金兹伯格和金兹伯格博士. 渡船. 另外, we frequently utilize robotic approach for 膀胱颈 reconstruction (post anti-BPH or radiation contractures or vesico-urethral anastomotic stenosis), in gender affirmation surgery (i.e. vaginoplasty, revisions) and female pelvic floor reconstruction (i.e. sacrocolpopexy, repairs of mesh complications).

Female Pelvic Reconstruction and Neurourology

 The fellowship provides an opportunity for exposure to basic female urology including primary pelvic organ prolapse repair and primary incontinence surgery as well on complex revision cases and management of complications associated with female pelvic floor surgery. The fellow will also manage patients with neurologic conditions effecting the urinary tract including spinal cord injury, 多发性硬化症, 还有脊柱裂. The fellow will have the opportunity to evaluate these patients using urodynamics and videourodynamics and learn the interpretation of these modalities. Medical, procedural and surgical management of these patients will be carried out by the fellow.