


奖 & 识别

  • 祝贺你 to Xin Jie Chen, who was awarded a five-year NIH grant totaling $2,037,500. It is a collaborative project with Patty Kane as an MPI. 该项目名为“退行性疾病和衰老中线粒体-溶酶体应激的新信号通路”。.
  • Alaji呸, Liviu Movileanu (SU), Steve 伦哈, and 亚伦沃尔夫 (Ichor Life Sciences Inc.)因其项目“利用极地真菌中Ess1-CTD轴的共同进化来研究相分离作为适应极端环境的机制的作用”而获得雪城大学生物启发研究所3万美元的校内资助之一。. It is for interdisciplinary, cross-institutional research projects.
  • 祝贺Alaji呸, 谁被奖励了90美元,328研究补充促进健康相关研究项目的多样性亚历山大·格雷罗·加西亚NIH项目“DNA甲基化在液-液相分离药物异染色质形成中的作用”.
  • Gargi Mishra(陈实验室)在2023东北地区酵母会议(NERY)上获得最佳学生演讲奖, 是在康奈尔大学举行的吗, 7月27 - 28日, 2023
  • 布莱恩·哈尔, 杰西卡Henty-Ridilla, 摩根皮姆, 埃宾·德容, David Amberg的研究“从酵母中分离肌动蛋白的新工艺为蛋白质研究打开了大门”在推荐最近最火的赌博软件文章中得到了强调:
  • 祝贺你 to Bruce Knutson who was awarded a one-year $11,058 NIH Biomedical 研究 and 研究 Training supplement for Dabar Zarzuela.
  • 祝贺你 to three Biochemistry students, Nicole Maurici, Akshay Patel, and Harsimranjit
    Sekhon获得了SUNY GREAT奖!  SUNY GREAT (Graduate 研究 Empowering and Accelerating Talent) Award program provides $5,为鼓励纽约州立大学的学生(包括研究生和本科生)提交有竞争力的申请, highly competitive graduate fellowships and enroll in SUNY's graduate programs.
    SUNY GREAT的设立是为了激励SUNY学生更积极地参与NSF的研究生研究奖学金计划(GRFP)。, the nation’s largest and oldest STEM fellowship competition. 奖 are made not only to those who win GRFP fellowships, but also to those who
    获得GRFP荣誉奖. The fellowship programs eligible for this award include NSF GRFP, NDSEG(国防), 美国国家航空航天局, NIH NRSA (F30和F31), 美国能源部CSGF(能源), and the Canadian fellowships (SSHRC and NSERC), which are similar to GRFP awards but are usable at U.S. 机构). SUNY 新闻 Press Release March 2023 3-8-23 SUNY Great 奖: http://www.suny.edu/suny-news/press-releases/3-23/3-8-23/great.html
  • Stewart Loh在23年3月1日的推荐最近最火的赌博软件 The Informed Patient Podcast上发表了“结合蛋白质和DNA工程”“DNA折纸”是寻求医学进步的一步, 科学.
  • 祝贺你 to Alana Belkevich who received the SUNY Chancellor award for Student
    卓越! She also won Professional and Public Service Award at Student 研究一天!
  • 祝贺你 to Fiza Hashmi and Bridget Walker who won Best Poster Presentation at Student
  • 祝贺你 to Arnav Rana who won Best Oral Presentation - First Place at Student 研究一天!
  • 祝贺你 to Leonardo Dettori who won the Max Mozell Unsung Hero Award at Student
  • 祝贺扎尔苏埃拉, 布鲁斯·克努森实验室的志愿者, 因为POLR1D及其各种异构体的临床相关性,我刚刚获得了仁杰皇冠大学荣誉项目奖,奖金高达3美元,000.
  • 祝贺你 to Tom Duncan for being recognized by Dr. 中国的“特殊时刻”
  • 祝贺你 to Nicole Maurici who won third place for overall best poster ($200 reward) at the
    BioInspired Institute's First Symposium hosted by Syracuse University on October 7, 2022.
  • 祝贺你 to Xin Jie Chen who was named SUNY Distinguished Professor at the Fall 教师
  • Wenyi Feng was featured in 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Online (9/2/22) for her discovery in the Fragile X
    并发症状. http://www.Upstate.edu/news/articles/2022/2022-09-01-feng.php
  • Chen实验室的Nicholas Brennan在8月24日至26日于乔治亚州埃默里大学举行的第三届国际肌肉骨骼和神经相互作用会议上获得了最佳海报奖
  • HJ Sekhon获得NIH F30博士前博士/博士奖学金,题为“检测治疗HCMV感染的分子装置”。, 第一次尝试. 51752美元/年,为期5年. 陈可辛是他的共同赞助人
  • 祝贺冯文怡,她的项目“了解脆性X蛋白(FMRP)的基因组维持功能”获得了为期两年的NIH R21。. First year directs are $150,000, $448,250 total cost
  • 祝贺你 to Nicole Maurici who was awarded a Ruth L. Kirschstein国家研究服务奖(NRSA)促进健康相关多样性的个人博士前奖学金2022年7月- 8月研究(父f31 -多样性), $43,每年571美元,为期4年
  • 李翔获得国际实验生物学与医学会议青年研究者旅行奖,并被选为口头报告. The meeting was held in Memphis on April 29th- May 1st
  • Baylee Porter在国际实验生物学和医学会议上获得青年研究者海报奖第二名.
  • 祝贺你 to Jessica Ridilla who received a President’s Award for 卓越 in Teaching!
  • 祝贺Jessica Henty Ridilla,她被研究生团体选为杰出研究生教师奖的获得者!
  • 祝贺Kassidy Zimmer,他被研究生团体选为专业和公共服务奖的获得者!
  • 祝贺摩根皮姆,他被研究生团体选为Max Mozell无名英雄奖的获得者!
  • Alaji呸将在2月25日的报道中得到强调, 2022 Pew Scholars’ article “What It Means to Be Black in Science: Pew Scholars’ Experiences
    A celebration of leading biomedical scientists of color:
  • A recent publication on genome instability in FXS by Chakroborty et al. from the Feng lab was part of Crouse OB/GYN Grand Rounds presented by Dr. 2022年2月11日,勒贝尔. 勒贝尔博士从锡拉丘兹的三所大学中挑选了20篇出版物,并给了每一篇简短的摘要. 它为对各种学科广泛感兴趣的学生/教师提供了一个很好的入口.
  • Xin Jie Chen has been chosen as a SUNY Distinguished Professor. His appointment starts soon, and he will be recognized at Convocation in the fall. 祝贺你!


  • Papp C.V .穆昆丹. T.Jenjaroenpun, P.温纳迪,F. R.哦,G. S.潘,A. T., & “库兹涅佐夫”,V. A. (2023). Stable bulged G-quadruplexes in the human genome: identification, experimental validation and functionalization. 核酸研究,gkad252.
  • Belkevich AE, Pascual HG, Fakhouri AM, Ball DG, Knutson BA. Distinct Interaction Modes for the Eukaryotic RNA Polymerase Alpha-like Subunits. 摩尔细胞生物学. 2023年5月24:1-14. doi: 10.1080/10985549.2023.2210023. 打印前Epub. PMID: 37222571.
  • Farzana Tuli和Patricia M. Kane; The cytosolic N-terminal domain of V-ATPase a-subunits is a regulatory hub targeted by multiple signals. 前沿摩尔. Biosci. 16 June 2023; 10:1168680
  • 布莱恩·K. 摩根·L·哈尔. 皮姆,埃宾P. 大卫·德容. 杰西卡·L·安伯格. Henty-Ridilla; Purification of human β- and γ-actin from budding yeast. J Cell Sci 1 May 2023; 136 (9): jcs260540. Also, highlighted on cover of Journal of Cell Science.
  • Tom Duncan recently served as a guest co-editor for a collection of reviews on “生物旋转纳米马达以及最终的电子书版本, with 20 reviews and an editorial by the co-editors, 现在可以免费下载 PDF或EPUB 从出版商那里, 前沿. 该集合包括5评论招募汤姆对ATP合成酶作为一个旋转马达的不同方面. So far, reviews in this collection have been viewed over 34,000 times.

  • 图丽和P.M. Kane(2023)“嵌合a亚基异构体产生具有改变调节特性的功能性酵母v - atp酶 在活的有机体内摩尔. 医学杂志. 细胞, 3月1日,34(3):ar14.

  • 阿什利 J. 罐头苏珊, Viggiano,马丁 E. 费尔南德斯- Zapico & 迈克尔 S. •. (2022)的并行函数注释 癌症相关的错义突变 组蛋白甲基转移酶.  科学报告12:18 . 487
  • 瑞安J. Palumbo, Nathan McKean, Erinn Leatherman, Kevin E.W. Namitz, 劳里康奈尔大学, 亚伦沃尔夫, Kelsey喜怒无常, Cene Gostincar, 尼娜Gunde-Cimerman, Alaji呸, 和Steven D. 伦哈. (September 7, 2022) Coevolution of the Ess1-CTD axis in polar fungi suggests a role for phase
    耐寒性分离. 科学进展卷. 8, No. 36
  • Senter NC, McCulley A, Kuznetsov VA, Feng W. 基因(巴塞尔). (7)乳腺癌细胞系结构重排中复发性染色体断裂的鉴定.
  • 瑞安J. 帕伦坡,Alana E. 哈利·G·贝尔科维奇. 布鲁斯·帕斯夸尔. POLR1D的临床相关残留物是果蝇发育所必需的, 美国解剖学协会
  • 刘鑫蓓,Jessica L. Henty-Ridilla (2022) Multiple roles for the cytoskeleton in ALS. 实验神经病学,114143.
  • Morgan L Pimm, Xinbei Liu, Farzana Tuli, Jennifer Heritz, 阿什利 Lojko, Jessica L Henty-Ridilla
    (2022) Visualizing molecules of functional human profilin. 11: e76485 eLife.
  • 刘新北,摩根·L. 皮姆,布莱恩·哈勒,安德鲁·T. 布朗纳和杰西卡·L. Henty-Ridilla. “肌动蛋白组装机制的生化表征与als相关的谱变异”欧洲细胞生物学杂志(2022):第101卷, 问题2, 2022年4月, 151212
  • 约翰,一个.M.H.哈,J.-H., Loh, S.N. (2022). Engineering a fluorescent protein color switch using entropy-driven beta strand exchange. ACS Sens. 7, 263.
  • 赵,我.刘,X.布莱尼,A.张,Y.甘迪,罗. 米尔斯基,P.O.史密斯,n.n.张芳.林哈特,R.J.陈杰.贝恩斯,C., Loh, S.N.,王,C. (2022). p53内在紊乱n端结构域(NTD)与线粒体PTP调控因子亲环蛋白D相互作用. J. 摩尔. 医学杂志. 434, 167552.
  • Pedicone C.费尔南德斯,S.马泰拉,A.迈耶,
    S.T., Loh, S.N.哈,J.-H.伯纳德,D.奇泽姆,J.D.保罗切利,R.C.科尔,W.G. (2022). 发现一种新的SHIP1激动剂,可促进小胶质细胞降解含脂的吞噬货物. 科学,出版中.
  • 哈,我.-H.普雷拉,O.卡皮索,D.R.*, Loh, S.N.* (2022). P53和锌:一种可塑关系. 前面. 摩尔. Biosci. 9, 895887. *对应的作者.
  • Sekhon H., Loh, S.N. (2022). Engineering protein activity into off-the-shelf DNA devices. 细胞报告冰毒.,出版中
  • 李志强,彭军,王伟,冯伟. Exceptional origin activation revealed by comparative analysis in two laboratory yeast strains. 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》. 2022;17(2):e0263569. eCollection 2022. PubMed PMID: 35157703; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8843211.
  • Bachant J, Hoffman EA, Caridi C, Nugent CI, Feng W. 酵母Dbf4 Zn2+手指结构域抑制从一个起源子集发起的复制叉上的单链DNA. 咕咕叫麝猫. 2022年2月11日;. [Epub预印]PubMed PMID: 35147742.
  • Gasparayan H, Caridi C, Julius J, Feng W, Bachant J, Nugent CI. Yeast Stn1 promotes MCM to circumvent Rad53 control of the S phase checkpoint. 咕咕叫麝猫. 2022年2月12日;. [打印前Epub] PubMed PMID: 35150303.


  • 康妮Mitra, Farzana Tuli, and Patty Kane attended the ASBMB meeting in Philadelphia from April 2-5, 2022. Connie and Farzana presented posters and Connie gave a talk at their Spotlight session. Connie also received the ASBMB Graduate student/ Postdoctoral researcher Travel award
  • 布鲁斯·克努森的四名学生参加了4月份在费城举行的EB ASBMB会议,并展示了海报.
  • 2月25日,冯文怡在纽约州立大学奥斯威戈分校生物科学系做了一场讲座,这是研究生院主办的访问学者系列活动的一部分