





Applicants must submit a verified AMCAS application to 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学. Be sure to check the box indicating you are applying to the MD /博士课程 (CO). Also submit through AMCAS three original letters of reference applicable to the MD /博士课程.

除了, you complete the 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 Supplemental Application along with a non-refundable application $110 fee. If your AMCAS application does not include three letters from those familiar with your potential for investigative research, these will also be required as part of your Supplemental Application. 

什么是AMCAS ??

The American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) is a non-profit, centralized application processing service for applicants to the first-year entering classes at participating U.S. 医学院校. 对于2005年入学的学生来说,大多数美国学生都是如此.S. 医学院校 will use AMCAS as the primary application. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 对象为 网站.



  • 普通生物学I & 2 w /实验室
  • 普通化学I & 2 w /实验室
  • 有机化学I /lab
  • 生物化学
  • 普通物理I & 2 w /实验室*
  • 写作/成分
  • 英语选修课
  • 统计(3小时)

* Applicants should avoid taking more than one or two pre-requisite science courses during the summer 和 avoid taking them at community colleges.

*虽然这是推荐的, we do not require your Physics courses to be calculus-based unlike other 医学院校.

* Applicants can apply without having completed all the pre-requisites however, 如果你被录取了, it would be on the condition that any outst和ing required courses be successfully completed prior to enrolling.

What other science courses can I take to be more competitive?

超出先决条件, 最有用的课程是生理学, 遗传学, 和细胞生物学. These courses have some tricky concepts to master 和 having some familiarity with them ahead of time will be to your benefit once you enter medical school. 微生物学和免疫学可能也有帮助. 解剖学等课程, 神经科学, 组织学, 病理, 和 Pharmacology generally are subjects that can be fairly easily mastered once you enter medical school but take them as an undergrad if you enjoy them.

When it comes to suggestions of what non-science courses you can take, we recommend Psychology courses addressing the cognitive, 不正常的, 以及人类行为的发展方面, knowledge of which will help you in becoming a good physician. 与公共卫生有关的课程, 道德, 沟通技巧也越来越有好处, 随着医生在这些领域变得越来越老练.


  • 6月 -开始提交AMCAS申请
  • 10月1日 - AMCAS截止日期
  • 11月1日 - Deadline to submit both your AMCAS application AND your completed supplemental application to SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件


We send a supplemental to every verified AMCAS applicant.


在没有这种委员会的情况下, two letters of recommendation from faculty in different departments may be submitted, 虽然必须有一个系是科学系.


是的 all MD/PhD students receive a stipend 和 tuition waiver for all years - both while in the COM 和 in the CGS. 


No, it is not necessary to have a publication to be considered for admission. 出版物 are of course, a great addiiton to your application.



Do you accept Canadians, 和 are they evaluated differently?

整个申请过程, Canadian students are treated the same as US residents in that they must complete the same pre-requisite course work, 申请要求等.

Do international students receive the same financial aid?

是的, all accepted students receive the same stipend 和 tuition waiver.

关于 the MD /博士课程 at 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学



Generally we have over 115 applicants 和 we typically interview 30-40% of all applicants. From those, we send out approximately 10 acceptances with a final class of 4-6 students.


The average GPA for the class that entered Fall 2021 was 3.7.


The average MCAT score of the 2021 matriculating class was 516.

If I am rejected from the MD /博士课程, will I still be considered for the MD program?

是的. If you are rejected by the MD/PhD 招生委员会, you can select to have your application forwarded to the MD-Only or PhD-Only for consideration.


You may only submit one application to 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学, 无论是医学博士还是医学博士/博士项目. We have a designated MD/PhD 招生 committee 和 the committee looks for students with a passion 和 strong interest in research to complement their desire to become a physician. Our goal is to train physician scientists 和 we expect you have given much thought to your decision to apply.

如果你被MD/PhD项目拒绝, there is an option to send your application at that point to either MD ONLY or PhD ONLY.  You will receive an email in this case with the specifics to do so.

How is the 上州医科大学 MD /博士课程 funded?

The MD /博士课程 at 上州医科大学 is privately funded.








而“校园”的住房是在 日内瓦塔, most students live off campus in rented apartments because it is very affordable. There are many places to live that are in close proximity to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 (for example, 麦迪逊大楼 和 Jefferson Towers are high rise apartment buildings within walking distance of 推荐最近最火的赌博软件) [WE DO NOT INSPECT, 批准或监督本合同的经营场所.] There are apartments available in the city of Syracuse 和 the surrounding towns. 一些最受欢迎的地区包括:伊斯特伍德, 山大学, 以及锡拉丘兹的蒂珀雷里山社区, 还有利物浦镇.


Most students use various 网站s to search for housing: www.锡拉丘兹.com/realestatewww.orangehousing.com which is primarily, but not exclusively, for SU students. 学生 usually visit the property before signing a lease.


一居室公寓的租金一般为每月500美元. Two-bedroom apartments in a large complex typically rent for $700-750/month, while two-bedroom apartments in smaller units rent for $600-650/month.

