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课程: 概述

The general format for the curriculum for MD/博士学位 students is fairly standard: two years of medical school, 3-4 years for completion of the 博士学位 degree, followed by the last two years of medical school.

MD /博士课程 Structure

We offer a curriculum which integrates clinical training with research through the following MD/博士学位 specific courses:

  • Lab Rotations: All in-coming students will participate in a laboratory rotation the summer prior to matriculation in Medical School.
  • Grant Writing: In the first 博士学位 year, MD/博士学位 students take a Grant Writing course designed for their needs.
  • Integrated MD/博士学位 Weekly Seminar (Ground Rounds): All MD/博士学位 students are enrolled in the course "MD/博士学位 Grand Rounds." This course meets weekly on Thursday evenings and variable credit is assigned depending on the stage in the program. This longitudinal course includes clincal mentorship, student presentations of case-studies by the New England Journal of Medicine, presentations and discussions with alumni and other attendees as well as a "family meal" before each seminar.  


Incoming MD/博士学位 students rotate through a laboratory of their choice the summer prior to matriculation in Medical School to familiarize themselves with the research climate at SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.

Following this first laboratory rotation, students matriculate with the entering medical school class and take the first two years of the medical school curriculum.

MD/博士学位 students are required to do a second laboratory rotation the summer between their first and second years to help them select mentors with whom they will conduct research for the 博士学位 portion of the program. 学生 select mentors and research projects by the end of their second year so they can begin their lab work after sitting for Step 1 of the United States Medical Licensure Exam. A third laboratory rotation is possible after the second year of medical school.


During the 博士学位 portion of the program (typically four years), students:

  • Design a doctoral-level research project
  • Pass a qualifying exam demonstrating they have the scholarly and intellectual capabilities signified by the awarding of a 博士学位 degree
  • Are required to submit a grant application (ideally an NIH Ruth Kirschtein F30 or F31 Award)
  • Participate in a Grand Rounds Course to maintain clinical skills
  • Complete a research project
  • Prepare, present and defend a dissertation

In order to reduce the amount of time MD/博士学位 students spend in the 博士学位 phase of the program, SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's requirement that doctoral candidates successfully complete 30 hours of didactic course work in the College of Graduate Studies is satisfied largely by courses taken during the first and second years of medical school.


In the final phase of the program, students complete their last two years of medical school. This includes slightly more than one academic year of required clerkships and 24 weeks of elective credit. MD/博士学位 students have some flexibility as regards the start of their MSIII year. 学生 may elect to receive up to 12 elective credits in the College of Medicine for the time spent completing their dissertation research.