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The main goal of your PGY-1 year is to establish a solid background in internal medicine. 你将在大学医院和退伍军人医院做普通内科住院医生, MICU and electives. We recommend electives in Cardiology, Rheumatology and Endocrinology, as there is a great deal of clinical overlap of neurology with these subspecialties.

在年初,你将在神经内科中风科和普通神经内科轮转两周. 这将向你介绍你的住院医师同行,并提供一些基本的知识和技能,你将在以后的轮转中应用:神经病史和检查, basics of epilepsy and stroke management.

在PGY-1年期间,您将在白天花3周时间在神经ICU服务上,然后在神经ICU夜间浮动上花2个独立的模块(总共3周)。. You will work side by side during ICU night float with a PGY-2 Neurology resident. You will have 2 weeks of ambulatory neurology. After completing this year, you will be ready to hit the ground running in Neurology.

Internal Medicine

R-1 (PGY-2)

R-1 (PGY-2)

The R1 year brings immersion in clinical neurology. It is a busy and exciting year during which you will gradually become a neurologist.

你将在1-2周的时间内轮流在大学医院的每个主要神经系统服务部门工作, General, Pediatric Neurology and Neuro-ICU. 你将有规律的休息,从住院临床服务的形式分配到神经放射学的轮转, Psychiatry, Clinic, Elective and EEG.


初级神经内科住院医师(NAR)从中午12点工作到晚上9点,帮助急诊科的高级住院医师学习中风代码, and cross-cover the ward services during the evening hours from 4pm to 9pm. 您将有6个为期1周的重症监护病房夜间浮动轮班,期间您将负责UH的所有住院患者


You will have a 3 week rotation in Pediatric Neurology during your R1 year. This will prepare you to triage pediatric emergencies while on call.

完成这一年的学习后,你将知道如何识别和处理神经紧急情况,并了解中风的基本知识, seizure, multiple sclerosis and headache management.

R-2 (PGY-3)

R-2 (PGY-3)


在R2期间,您还将担任更具挑战性的领导角色,如神经内科住院医师, General Night Float, Stroke Senior and University Hospital and VA Consult. 在会诊轮换期间,您将评估和治疗患有全身性疾病的神经系统并发症的患者, anoxic brain injury, complex epilepsies, functional neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders of the CNS and severe neuromuscular diseases.You will also take charge of consult services at the VA, working one-on-one with the attending, supervising one or more medical students.

Senior resident call responsibilities are split between the R2 and R3 residents. 作为一名高级住院医师,你将在周六接听12小时的电话,大约每10个周末接听一次,在周日接听12小时的电话,每10个周末接听一次.

R-3 (PGY-4)

R-3 (PGY-4)

在第三年(R3),您将磨练自己的组织和领导能力,并培养识别和治疗各种神经系统疾病的信心.  住院医师项目的顶点轮换是住院普通和中风服务的服务主任. 

这个具有挑战性的轮转为你提供了监督初级神经内科住院医生的经验, off-service residents, medical students and advanced practice providers. 

在您的最后一年,您将有机会通过在诊所与运动障碍和痴呆症的亚专科主治医生一起工作两周,以及另外两周专注于神经眼科和神经免疫学,来填补您的知识和经验空白. 随着毕业的临近,你将成为一名经验丰富、高效而自信的神经科医生.

Lead Residents

2018年,一个由住院医师和教师组成的委员会开会更新了住院医师总选拔程序.  In addition to supporting continued election of two supervising chief residents, the committee, recognizing the importance of leadership development for all physicians, 发起了一项计划,其中所有PGY-4神经病学住院医师将在最后一年的培训中担任“领导”角色之一. 2023年,对老年住院医师的角色进行了修订,增加了第三位总住院医师和多元化负责人. 

The Chief 居民将主要负责监督和安排 ,但 也将在教育方面发挥关键作用 ,并将支持他们的同伴履行领导角色. 总住院医师对住院医师项目的顺利运作负有行政责任和权力. 总住院医师负责公平分配出诊责任,并做好记录.  这包括在生病或不在的情况下紧急改变工作安排,以及解决纠纷. The Chief Residents assist the PD/APDs with monitoring resident wellness, 与项目领导沟通住院医生关心的问题,并成为住院医生寻求建议的“首选”资源, concerns and support. The Chief Residents will keep the Program Director apprised of any major concerns. 

The Research Lead Resident schedules journal clubs and selects articles for discussion in these sessions. 研究负责人帮助安排和促进同龄人之间的研究机会,并在每年春天建立一个研究更新论坛.  

The Quality 领导住院医师为每位高级住院医师计划和分配根本原因分析培训,并作为每个班级质量项目的领导者. 质量主管参与医院质量会议和部门质量会议.  

There are 2 Education 领导住院医师,负责会议和医学生教育.   他们每月组织一次以问题为基础的复习会议,并协助召开临床病理相关会议. They arrange the RITE review schedule and help orient MSIII and MSIV students.  

The Recruitment/Onboarding 在面试期间,领导住院医师主持并安排与潜在申请人的互动,并为即将到来的PGY1住院医师协调培训活动.  

The Diversity and Inclusion Lead helps with planning the curriculum for our DEI conferences, attends DEI meetings for the department and hospital, and also acts as a liaison for DEI related resources. This resident is a point person for equity concerns as they arise.  

The Wellness 领导安排/协调每周四天午间会议午餐的采购和配送. 他们每两个月召开一次健康会议,并协助安排社交聚会.   

