  • Neurology 领导学院 - Q and A with Dr. 赌场,2019年7月
    Neurology 领导学院 - Q and A with Dr. 赌场,2019年7月
  • Neurology 领导学院 kickoff with Dr. 特里赌场,2019年7月
    Neurology 领导学院 kickoff with Dr. 特里赌场,2019年7月
  • Neurology 领导学院 - small group discussion of self assessment, 7月 2019
    Neurology 领导学院 - small group discussion of self assessment, 7月 2019

女孩S. Ross 领导学院 at SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 神经内科

医生成为 事实上的 leaders the moment they earn their medical degree. During residency, interns lead complex teams of medical students, nurses and patients. Senior residents have the added responsibility of directing junior residents. Following graduation from residency, many physicians advance to administrative positions in private practice and academic settings.

Yet despite the demands of leadership placed on physicians by their roles as default team leaders, physicians receive little to no training in leadership.  A recent editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine pointed out this deficit and asserted that “health systems should make leadership development an organizational priority.”[1]

In response to the leadership training vacuum, the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Neurology 住院医生实习期 created the “领导学院 at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Neurology.2019年7月,奥巴马博士(Dr. 泰伦斯Cascino, MD, FAAN, past present of the AAN visited campus to launch the 领导学院 at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Neurology. The Academy is a 3 year recurring curriculum integrated into the existing curriculum.

在第一年, the curriculum introduced the residents to basic concepts in leadership, including emotional intelligence, leadership styles and communication skills. During the second year we took a deeper dive into some of these concepts and addressed specific leadership roles physicians assume, including mentoring and difficult conversations. We also tackled conflict resolution. The third year of the curriculum features some of the challenges leaders face and offers practical methods to address them, using discussion and role play. All sessions include a large interactive component. Increasingly, our senior residents are taking a role in presenting the sessions.  Each year our residents track their growth as leaders by completing a leadership skills survey.

[1] Lerman C and Jameson JL. Leadership Development in Medicine.  NEJM 2018;378;20:1862-1863



7月 怎样才能成为领导者? Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (Dr. 布拉德肖)
8月 Leadership assessment questionnaire: small group discussions by PGY year and joint session identifying key insights. (领导学院 Faculty)
9月 为奖学金做准备 (Dr. 奥尔布赖特)
10月 The ABCs of organization: getting things done. (Dr. Latorre,博士. 布拉德肖)
11月 Teaching and mentoring 医学专业的学生:  Role plays with feedback (Senior resident teaching award winners & senior medical students, Dr. Vertino)
12月 Emotional Intelligence: The Neuroscience. (Dr. Izadyar)
1月 Communication Skills/Effective Listening Role Play (杜莱普博士,杜莱普博士. 布拉德肖)
2月 领导风格 (Dr. Masoud)
3月 Providing Effective Feedback (Dr. Simionescu)
五月 职业倦怠与健康  (Dr. 布拉德肖)
6月 Annual Academy Evaluation  (Dr. 布拉德肖)



7月 NIH Leadership Self-Assessment & 讨论 (领导学院 Faculty)
8月 Racism in American Medicine: Where we've been, where we are, where we should go, and how we should get there. (Dr. Dykes, Chief 多样性 Officer)
9月 指导 (Dr. McGraw)
10月 Transformative Leadership (Dr. 詹妮弗Bickel)
11月 挑选椅子的大脑 (Dr. Mejico)
12月 Emotional Intelligence Seminar: 第二部分(博士). Izadyar)
2月 困难的对话 ( Dr. 布拉德肖) 
3月 解决冲突 (2 sessions) Tracy Fenner
4月 解决冲突 (3 sessions) Tracy Fenner, Organizational & 专业教育
五月 顶级球队 (Dr. 凯伦·奥尔布赖特 & the Pharmacogenomice Clinic Team)
6月 年度评估 Leadership



7月 NIH Leadership Self-Assessment & 讨论 (领导学院 Faculty)
8月 Teams 2:  The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Dr. 凯伦·奥尔布赖特)
9月 仆人领导 (Dr. 詹妮Meyer)
10月 解决冲突:  Real Life Vignettes with Role Play, part 1 (Dr. 米娜·迈克尔,PGY-4,博士. Deborah Bradshaw, Tracy Fenner.)
11月 解决冲突: Real Life Vignettes with Role Play, part 2  (Dr. 米娜·迈克尔,PGY-4,博士. Deborah Bradshaw, Tracy Fenner.)
12月 多样性 & 包容 (Dr. 妮可·布雷西亚)
1月 工作和生活的平衡 (Dr. 黛博拉·布拉德肖)
2月 管理你的精力 (Dr. 基因Latorre)
3月 Leading Effective Meetings (Dr. 科里McGraw)
4月 积极的科学 (Dr. Shahram Izadyar)
五月 How to Tell a Story and Give a Great Lecture (Dr. 迈克尔·Vertino)
6月 年度评估 (领导学院 Faculty)

The residency program offers numerous opportunities for residents to put their evolving leadership skills into play throughout training.  Examples include: medical student mentoring and evaluation, 高级住院医师角色, “Lead” Roles during the final year of training and Chief 住院医生实习期.

总之, “The 领导学院 at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Neurology” incorporates leadership development concepts from business and academic sources to implement a leadership development curriculum for neurology residents. A process of continuous resident-driven evaluation and quality improvement is used to optimize and develop the program over time.