


  • Provide an immersive simulation template guide with an exemplar scenario to help you with the design process

  • 共同开发和提供反馈,帮助你写出清晰、可衡量、 & 与仿真设计相关的可实现学习目标

  • Co-develop and provide input on simulation modalities and task alignment related to your simulation event design

  • Pilot and dry run your immersive cases before “go-live” to help further refine objectives and outcomes


  • 共同汇报模拟事件,以帮助主持人完成汇报过程

  • “Debrief the debriefer” to help facilitators novice to experienced 构建 and strengthen skills

  • 协调必要的资源来帮助你实现学习目标, 包括与首席模拟教官一起检查任务训练设备, 模拟室设置, 人体模型, 影音系统


  • 模拟学习策略
  • 事前简报和心理安全
  • 客观写作和案例开发
  • 汇报和提供有效的反馈

请求形式 & 标准化患者资源







我们要求模拟教官遵循程序, 由北州模拟工作人员决定, to ensure quality simulation activities that are consistent with best standards of practice for healthcare simulation.

  • 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 模拟 staff will assist Instructors in fulfilling the responsibilities above including meeting best practices for healthcare simulation and following the center's policies and procedures.


  1. 与首席模拟讲师共同开发和编辑沉浸式模拟案例
    • 共同创造学习目标
  2. 提供讲师培训机会
    • 汇报和提供有效的反馈
    • Pre-briefing
    • 心理安全
    • 客观写作和案例开发
  1. Arrange dry runs with your instructors for new cases and provide recommendations before ‘live’ student sessions.
  1. 协调必要的资源以支持学习目标, 包括与首席模拟教官一起检查任务训练设备, 模拟室设置, 人体模型, 和AV
  2. Create post-session surveys to garner qualitative and quantitative learner feedback.   (例如:让m).
  3. Faculty development with “debriefing the debriefer” following immersive sessions to strengthen facilitator skills and increase confidence.



我们的目标是为您提供优化的服务. To help ensure your event is a success, please read and consider the following guidelines:

  1. 模拟优先级调度每年发生两次.
    • 11月1日截止日期: 1月1日至5月举行的所有会议
    • 4月1日截止日期: 6月1日至12月31日举行的所有会议
  2. 截止日期前提交的所有申请将被综合审查. Notifications regarding consultation meetings and confirmations will be sent out 2-3 weeks after the deadline.
    • Requests received after deadlines will be scheduled based on space and resource availability.
  3. New cases and scenario development require a minimum of 3 months lead time to plan, 构建, 准备, 飞行员, 并与学习者一起提前完成实施
  4. 正常营业时间以外的活动(上午8:30.m. 至下午5时.m. Monday through Friday) will require prior approval and are subject to resource availability.

所有调度请求必须使用下面的表格提交. 电子邮件请求 不会 被接受. 


  • 模拟中心团队提供课程开发支持, 场景模板, 抽样评估调查.
  • All new programs will begin with an initial consultation meeting to ensure we can best meet your needs.
  • All instructors scheduled to lead sessions at the Center for the first time must complete an orientation session prior to their scheduled simulation activity. Requests for instructor orientation appointments can be included in the simulation project request form. Orientation appointments might review simulation best practices for pre-briefing and debriefing, 心理安全, 正确使用所需设备.
  • The amount of time needed to plan a successful simulation session can vary depending on the complexity of the event and other factors.  请确保留出足够的时间来发展你的会话。.
    • New cases and scenario development require a minimum of 3 months lead time to plan, 构建, 准备, 飞行员, 并与学习者一起提前完成实施


  1. 对于程序技能和沉浸式模拟的要求.



  2. 有关下列事项的请求:
    • COM学生兴趣小组
    • 触觉任务培训师预先批准由住院医师,研究员或主治医师使用
    • 营销/媒体
    • If you are unsure of your needs and want to schedule an exploratory meeting before completing a project request form.



感谢您有兴趣参观UMU模拟中心. 请考虑以下几点:

  • 旅行团提交的时间不应超过 45 days in advance to ensure course instructors have adequate time to schedule learning sessions.
  • Tours guided by Center staff will be very limited and will only be conducted when active courses are not scheduled.
  • 大型团体最好提前一周通知. 请注意,每次旅游的团体人数不应超过20人. 在某些情况下, we will recommend splitting a larger group into smaller groups to ensure the best possible experience for tour participants.
  • 与入场有关的旅行团将只安排为自助旅行团. 更多信息可以在申请表中找到.
  • Once the tour is reserved, you will receive a final email confirming all details. Please note that we will do our best to accommodate your tour but we cannot guarantee availability due to the course and staff schedules.
  • The 模拟 staff will respond to your request within ten business days to determine availability.

如果您有兴趣安排参观,请填写我们的 参观申请表.





  1. 请在此填写网上表格: http://redcap.link/SP
  2. 一旦申请被审查, 候选人将通过电子邮件被邀请参加SP面试日.



Standardized or Simulated Patients (SPs) are ordinary individuals trained to realistically simulate medical conditions for educational purposes. 他们来自不同的背景,代表不同的人口统计. 作为模拟教育团队的成员, SPs令人信服地模仿真实病人的外表和行为. 通过专业培训, 他们准确而一致地描绘个人历史, 物理研究结果, 以及病人的个性特征.

SPs play a crucial role in helping medical learners practice interacting with patients. If you're interested in a program that enhances your ability to portray a patient realistically and provides opportunities to assess and coach healthcare learners at all levels, 考虑加入我们的模拟团队. SPs work under the guidance of faculty members to support the medical learning objectives of educational sessions.


While some SPs have a background in acting, healthcare, or education that is not a requirement. 不管你以前受过什么训练, you are representing a member of the community and we welcome a diverse range of individuals!


  • 准时、可靠和灵活是必不可少的.
  • 你必须白天有空, preferably large blocks of time available from Monday-Friday between the hours of 7:00am and 5:30pm.
  • 有很强的人际交往能力和清晰的沟通能力.
  • 基本的计算机技能: 有一个个人电子邮件帐户来访问初始程序通信, 熟悉基本的互联网应用.
  • Be willing to wear a hospital gown with only undergarments underneath (as you would at a clinic visit), 在模拟与医疗保健学习者的临床接触期间
  • 愿意接受身体检查(最基本的)——心脏, 肺部和腹部检查(你会在诊所就诊)
  • 出色的记忆和回忆能力,不需要表演经验.
  • 展现得体的个人形象, hygiene and professional behavior when acting as a representative of the Standardized Patient Program
  • Observe case/learner confidentiality and conduct oneself in a respectful manner in the diverse and inclusive SP community
  • 获授权在美国工作.S.A.

这份工作需要做什么? 标准化/模拟患者如何知道该说什么和做什么?

Each session held requires a training session where an SP learns the case and script, 这包括病人的主诉或医疗症状等信息, 背景历史和体检信息.

在遇到SP时, an SP undergos a patient interview and noninvasive physical examination by a learner.  你永远不会被要求接受乳房、骨盆、直肠或生殖器检查. 可以做的事情包括, 但不限于, 让你的眼睛和耳朵被检查, 用听诊器触摸和听来检查你的听力.

学习者包括广泛的护理保健专业人员, 物理治疗, physcian助理, 医学院, 社会工作, 和居民.

医务人员通常穿着病号服和覆盖全身的内衣. 除了案例写照, SPs完成检查表,以帮助评估学习者的临床技能, 沟通技巧, 有时给学习者提供简短的口头反馈.


这是一份兼职/按日领薪的工作,没有资格享受福利. SPs是根据项目需要被雇佣为特定项目的临时工. Candidates must be willing to work a variable shift between the hours of 7:00am and 6:00pm to work a flexible schedule. 工作日分为半天制和全日制.



SPs总是穿着合适的内衣或短裤和袜子保暖. 女性SPs总是穿胸罩.  在可能的情况下, 我们为你提供一件长袍, 或者邀请你在不被检查的时候带上你自己的.  

We train you in appropriate draping so you can protect your modesty while being examined. 如果你不喜欢穿病号服出现, let us know and we will only contact you for cases that do not require wearing a gown.

SP体检不包括乳房检查, 盆腔检查, 生殖器/直肠检查或其他“敏感”检查. 只有经过专门训练的SPs才能协助教授这些敏感的考试.


大多数会面都被录了下来,保存在一个安全的服务器上. 演员工会(AEA)成员, 凹陷, AFTRA应该知道这通常与工会规则没有冲突, 因为磁带只用于教育目的.  许多其他的课程,比如那些以小组形式完成的课程,都没有录像.