

Faculty in the Department of 细胞与发育生物学 are involved in teaching in the Colleges of Graduate Studies, 医学和卫生专业. 对一些教员来说, 教学是他们的首要任务, 而对其他人来说, 教学只是他们职责的一小部分. Our faculty have been involved in many innovations in teaching and have won numerous teaching awards including the award for best teaching department numerous times. Please see the faculty list below to learn more about each faculty member's teaching responsibilities and accomplishments.


杰弗里·阿马克博士 (profile)

主要教学领域:  胚胎学、细胞与发育生物学、遗传学

I give a series of human embryology lectures to medical students during their first year. In the 研究生院, I direct an introductory 发育生物学 当然,还有进阶 当代细胞与发育生物学 course.  我也教一年级研究生遗传学, and mentor undergraduate and graduate students in my research laboratory.

Jennette J Ball, DC, MS (profile)

主要教学领域:  大体解剖学,神经解剖学

My teaching in the 医学院 is focused on first year courses in which I teach in the small group setting as well as the laboratory setting of gross anatomy and neuroanatomy.  I also co-direct the Musculoskeletal Unit for the 医学院.  In the 卫生职业学院’ Doctor of Physical Therapy program, 我在第一年讲授大体解剖学课程 as well as co-direct the anatomy laboratory portion of the course.


玛丽·贝克勒博士 (profile)

主要教学领域: 细胞神经生物学,细胞与发育生物学

在研究生院,我在 生物医学基础 course.  I also mentor graduate students and postdoctoral associates in my research laboratory.


斯科特·布莱斯通博士 (profile)

主要教学领域: Cell Biology, 显微解剖学, Hematopoietic System, Respiratory System

I teach 显微解剖学 lecture and laboratories to first year students in the 医学院, 包括血液和呼吸系统.  In the 研究生院 I am the course director for 生物医学基础,是新生的必修课. My lectures within this course are focused on the molecules involved in cell adhesion events. 我还指导了一门光学显微镜入门课程.  I have been continuously supervising graduate students within my laboratory for 26 years.

教学奖励: I am a recipient of the President's Award for Excellence in Teaching for the 医学院 and the 研究生院.


Marius F . Ifrim,医学博士 (profile)


在医学院, I teach first year medical students Gross Anatomy and 神经解剖学.  In the 卫生职业学院’ Doctor of Physical Therapy program, I teach Gross Anatomy.


 米拉·克伦德尔博士 (profile)

主要教学领域:  Histology (显微解剖学), 细胞与发育生物学

我教一年级医学院学生组织学, 包括讲座和实验室, with particular focus on the histology of endocrine organs and the kidney. 在研究生院,我在 生物医学基础 course.  I also mentor graduate students in my research laboratory and organize an informal Cytoskeletal Journal Club for students and faculty.

Margaret Maimone博士

Margaret M Maimone博士 (profile)

主要教学领域:  Cell & 分子生物学、遗传学、生物化学、组织学

在医学院, 我教医科一年级学生细胞生物学, Histology, 遗传学与临床推理.  我也是第一年《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》的联合导演 & 微生物课程.  In the 卫生职业学院’ medical technology program, 我教研究生生物化学课程, Cell & Molecular Biology, and Human Genetics and supervise thesis work.

教学奖励:  校长卓越教学奖, 校长卓越教学奖, 菲利普·B·阿姆斯特朗杰出教学奖, 卓越教学奖, 研究生会优秀教师奖, 北州教育工作者学会会员

Dana M Mihaila,医学博士,博士 (profile)


在医学院,我参与了MS1和MS2. 在第一年, I lecture and teach in small group as well as in the laboratory setting, gross anatomy and neuroanatomy in 6 Units and in the summer Medset course. In neuroanatomy, I work with MS4 and I direct an elective course for them. In the second year of medical school, I lecture in Nervous System II Unit. I co-direct the Nervous System Units for both first (I) and second year (II) of medical school.  我是COM课程委员会的成员.

I lecture and conduct laboratory activities for Neurology residents. 除了, I am a member of the “Program Evaluation for Neurology Residency Committee” and of the “Self-Study for ACGME accreditation of Neurology Residency Committee”.

In the 卫生职业学院’ Doctor of Physical Therapy program, 我在第一年讲授大体解剖学课程.

In the 研究生院, I lecture for the Neuroscience course.

教学奖励:  校长卓越教学奖, recipient of “Exceptional moments in teaching”.


托马斯·J·普尔博士 (profile)

主要教学领域: 微观解剖学,发育生物学, Medical Education

在医学院, I am the Assistant Dean for the Foundational Sciences. 我教医科一年级学生显微解剖学. I am the director or co-director for the first three systems-based unit courses in the second year of the medical curriculum: Foundations & 皮肤、血液学 & 肿瘤,肾脏,生殖 & Endocrine. I co-direct a monthly Medical Education Journal Club for faculty and medical students that discusses the latest articles in curricular design, 教学方法与评估.

教学奖励: 校长卓越教学奖, 校长卓越教学奖, 卓越教学奖.


大卫·普鲁恩博士 (profile)

主要教学领域:  微观解剖学,发育生物学

我的教学重点是显微解剖学/组织学. 医学院的, this includes several lectures and the entire series of small group lab sessions in the courses of the first year, 而研究生院, this includes an introductory lecture for the first year students, and participation in an intensive lecture/lab course for graduate students. 我还教授发育生物学, 我在我的研究实验室指导研究生.

教学奖励: 2018 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2017 Outstanding Teaching Award


克里斯托弗·特纳博士 (profile)

主要教学领域:  细胞、分子和癌症生物学

I am the Graduate Program Director for the Department of 细胞与发育生物学. 我讲授细胞粘附, extracellular matrix organization and growth control to both first year medical students and first year graduate students. I also mentor graduate students and postdoctoral associates in my research laboratory.

Robert Zajdel博士

Robert Zajdel博士 (profile)

主要教学领域:  大体解剖学,显微解剖学,神经解剖学

医学院:我在MSI的3-8单元授课.  心血管和呼吸I科主任. 解剖线程内容领导大体解剖, 神经解剖学, 显微解剖学, 胚胎学, 和放射学. 之前,Gross Anatomy课程主任.  Elective director in the COM for Teaching in Gross Anatomy for fourth year medical students.  Elective director for rising second year medical students teaching DPT students. 卫生职业学院:  21 years teaching Gross Anatomy for Physical Therapy.  物理治疗解剖学博士课程主任. 研究生院: Course director for anatomy graduate courses.

教学奖励:  上州医科大学金标奖.  医学院 Dean’s Award for Faculty That Make a Difference.  校长卓越教学奖.  医学校友会. 阿姆斯特朗杰出教学奖.  Alpha Omega Alpha卓越教学奖.  上州教育学院.  上州医科大学 Exceptional Moments in Teaching Award.
