


教师对上州的教育使命至关重要,教师事务和教师发展办公室致力于帮助您成为杰出的教育工作者. All faculty development seminars and workshops are available to all faculty, 居民, 工作人员, 以及所有大学的学生. Most sessions are offered 虚拟ly or with 虚拟 and in person options.

All 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 faculty have roles in education. Your role may be as a mentor and coach, 临床教师, 教室的老师, 小组促进者, 实验室里的老师, 或者其他角色. We hope you will consider participating in our faculty educator programming. 日历的链接.


Faculty Educator Development Seminars and Tooboxes

这一系列的月度研讨会是由一个跨专业教师委员会计划和组织的. Seminars are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 12-1 PM via Zoom.


  1. 检查有关生物医学和卫生保健教育(热门话题)关键主题的重要概念, 患者安全/质量, 团队合作, 健康的社会决定因素, 人文学科)
  2. Analyze best practices for teaching at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 (research skills, 教育学, 专业, 沟通, 奖学金, 课程设计, 技术, 模拟)
  3. 合作培养新的教学模式(学院学者晚宴,其他工作坊活动)

Past presentations are archived and available on 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's video platform, Kaltura. This page will appear to be empty. 请登录与蓝色登录按钮在页面的右上角的推荐最近最火的赌博软件ID,它将填充. 存档视频访问.

每年的最后一次会议(传统上是教员学者研讨会)在6月的第一个星期二晚上举行,传统上包括实践研讨会, highlights of Uptstate innovations in education, 以及特邀演讲嘉宾.   


学院事务和学院发展办公室鼓励所有教师为学院发展演讲提出新的想法. One option is to submit a “Toolbox” application.

工具箱会议通常以2-3小时的研讨会形式提供,并根据整个学年的可用性进行安排. 前ics are based on faculty interests and may include interprofessional education, 健康的社会决定因素, 财务管理, 领导能力, 和其他人. Toolbox applications are reviewed by the Faculty Educator Development Steering Committee.

We invite and welcome faculty to apply to present a toolbox session. 请使用 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Faculty Toolbox Request for Proposals guidelines and submit a toolbox proposal to Ann Botash, MD, at (电子邮件保护).


的 上州教育学院 provides ongoing support for 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 faculty educators, 包括BEST工作坊, creative educational ideas brainstorming sessions and coaching mentorship. 学院的成员资格是竞争性的,欢迎感兴趣的教师通过 提名程序.


博士协助. 托马斯·普尔和托马斯·柯伦, 这些会议为讨论与医学教育有关的已出版手稿提供了一个论坛. 的 group meets on the third Monday of each month from 12-1 PM. Journal club articles are distributed via email during the month prior to the discussions.


主动学习协作是一个同侪指导小组,每月开会讨论教育的挑战和机遇, 重点是将新技术融入教学,以增强主动学习和参与. 看看这个 图书馆指南 获取更多资源.



诺顿医学院热情支持志愿教授一门或多门学院课程或实习的教师. 请与 课程办公室 for available teaching opportunities and, if you are not employed at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, visit our 志愿教师 浏览更多信息.


In the 诺顿医学院, all promotions require the completion of an 教育家组合. This portfolio is required whether you are being promoted with excellence in education, 服务, 或研究,特别有助于那些考虑以卓越的教育提升. 我们为我们对教育的重视感到自豪,并不断努力改善学生的体验.

Educational excellence requires outstanding accomplishments in all areas of education:

  • Teaching Activities (precepting, classroom, feedback, and more)
  • 学习者评估
  • Curriculum or Program Development
  • 指导和建议
  • 教育领导 & 行政行为


无所畏惧的学习者诺顿医学院认识到学习方式可能会根据学习者的背景而改变, 课程内容, learner and teacher goals and objectives, 还有其他原因. Because of this, we are continually renewing our medical student curriculum. This requires ongoing course evaluations and feedback to course directors and instructors, as well as ongoing faculty development to help our faculty learn new teaching skills. 我们的教师致力于增加学生在学习过程中的主动学习和参与.

We want our learners to be ready to demonstrate creative thinking and initiative.  鼓励学习者认识到总有更多的东西要学,并积极参与到这个过程中来. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件为“无畏的学习者”创建了一个商标,以支持我们增加主动学习和学习者参与机会的目标.  



  • Clear expectations for effort and performance
  • 明确的评估
  • Perception of importance of material (relevance)
  • Perception of challenge and ability to achieve success
  • Opportunities to prepare for learning of knowledge and skills
  • 挫折后的鼓励
  • Perseverance of the learner, using renewed approaches
  • 支持学习者的好奇心

Project ECHO for Community Preceptors

在2022年秋天, the Office of 教员事务 and 教师发展, 与宾厄姆顿校区的联合保健服务(UHS)指定机构官员办公室合作, 以及推荐最近最火的赌博软件的ECHO项目, 开始每月赞助, 虚拟, free longitudinal program of faculty development for clinician educators. 本程序旨在 to provide support to practicing clinician-teachers.


  • 创建一个教师社区,他们分享知识和热情,为医疗和卫生专业的学生和住院医生授课
  • Increase comfort and confidence in teaching for clinician-teachers
  • Support clinician-teachers building stronger relationships to 上州医科大学 
  • Provide an opportunity for reflection regarding teaching philosophy

诚邀所有社区办公室以及医院各专科的住院和门诊临床导师. Discussion leaders include colleagues from the Binghamton and Syracuse Campuses. 提供CME和MOC. 联系 (电子邮件保护) 有关详细信息,.

Faculty 领导 Essentials for Academic Development (LEAD)

学院事务和学院发展办公室为处于职业生涯中期的教师举办了一门领导力课程, 每两年提供一次. 该项目的目的是挑战一批处于职业生涯中期的教师,让他们开发具有前瞻性的项目, personal and professional leadership goals and skills, and to network and collaborate within the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 community. 

的 program begins in the fall of the academic year and continues through May. 有3,3 -5小时的面对面课程,家庭作业和同步在线课程. Participants learn project management skills, self-reflect regarding personal leadership styles, 与同事建立联系, and develop a project plan to be reviewed by mentors and course faculty. 


  • All 上州医科大学 faculty, especially 职业生涯中期的教员(终身教职和
  • non-tenure跟踪) 
  • Faculty developing new or current programs 
  • Faculty inspired to innovate and lead growth at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件

的 next course will be offered in the fall of 2023. This course is approved for a microcredential through 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学.


Faculty Educator Development Steering Committee

Faculty Educator Development Steering Committee 每月召开一次会议,审查通过教师事务和教师发展办公室促进的教师发展的各个方面.

Student Learning Outcomes Committee

Student Learning Outcomes Committee (SLOC) works to enhance 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's systems of learner assessment and program evaluation. SLOC与学术学位课程合作,帮助维护和加强学生的学习成果组合和评估计划. SLOC also supports program accreditation efforts that relate to these two areas. 委员会成员包括四所学院的代表和其他主要行政人员. 在学习者评估或项目评估方面寻求支持和/或指导的教育工作者可以联系列出的他们学院的代表 在这里.

Office of Interprofessional Education

推荐最近最火的赌博软件致力于通过跨专业合作和团队合作来改善我们的使命. 跨专业教育(IPE)的所有学习者和所有校园的支持 Office of Interprofessional Education. 该办公室与教师事务和教师发展办公室合作,支持教师创建和维持国际政治政治学院的规划,并实施国际政治政治学院的教师发展倡议.


的 Distance Learning Department of Information Management and Technology 定期举办研讨会,并为需要远程学习工具(如学习管理系统(Blackboard)和视频会议技术)帮助的教师提供支持.


图书馆的 Teaching and Learning 教育工作者资源 主题指南为您提供了许多有趣和多样化的出版物和推荐网站,以发展您作为医学教育者的技能. 最喜欢的是 AM最后一页.

纽约州立大学专业发展中心全年提供免费的讲习班和研讨会. For more information and to register, visit: cpd.纽约州立大学.edu