
罗伯特W. 戴利

罗伯特W. 戴利,M.D.罗伯特W. 戴利,MD, is Professor Emeritus of Bioethics 和 Humanities 和 Professor Emeritus of 精神病学. He was a practitioner of clinical psychiatry for forty years 和 is currently an honorary member of the staff of University Hospital.

Dr. 戴利 was the first chair of the University Hospital Ethics Committee 和 of its 伦理咨询 Service. In 1978, he co-founded the Consortium for the Cultural Foundations of Medicine - now called the Consortium for Culture 和 Medicine. He was a founder of the Institute for Ethics in Health Care, a community-based organization he led from 1995-2004. 1999年- 2012年, he served as an examiner for doctoral dissertations in philosophy 和 the social sciences at Syracuse University.

Dr. 戴利 has been a Visiting Scholar in philosophy at the University of Cambridge (King's College) 和 a Senior Fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities. He has lectured in Europe, China, 和 throughout the United States. He received the Distinguished Service Award of the Onondaga County Medical Society (2002), the SUNY 研究 Foundation's Chancellor's Award for the Social Sciences 和 Humanities (2002), the Sol Feinstone 校友 Award for Humanitarian Service from St. Lawrence University (2004), 和 an honorary doctorate of humane letters from Le Moyne College (2007). Dr. 戴利 has been an editorial consultant for the Journal of the American Medical Association, Literature 和 Medicine, Philosophy, 精神病学, & 心理学; he has also served as a consultant to the National Center for the Humanities.

His current research examines the conceptual foundations of psychiatry 和 selected topics in psychoanalysis 和 ethics. His writings have appeared in Philosophy 和 Medicine, Literature 和 Medicine, HEC论坛, 营养, 精神病学, the Psychoanalytic Review,和 American Journal of 精神病学.

His poems have appeared in 治愈的缪斯 和 other publications.

Dr. 戴利 may be reached at 315.446.6748及at (电子邮件保护)


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戴利RW. "Before depression: the medieval vice of acedia." 精神病学. 2007 Spring;70(1):30-51.

戴利R. "On democratic personalities." Syracuse Journal of International Law 和 Commerce. 2005;33(1):79-94.

戴利RW. "Medical imperialism in the Congo? "营养. 1999 Nov-Dec;15(11-12):936-7.

戴利RW. "When others must choose: deciding for patients without capacity. The New York State Task Force on Life 和 the Law.”(审查) HEC论坛. 1993年3月,5 (2):100 - 7.

戴利RW. "疯狂的理论." 精神病学. 1991 Nov;54(4):368-85.

戴利R, Rabuzzi KA, editors. "The Cultures of Medicine." Literature 和 Medicine,卷. 8. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.

戴利R. "The physician as moral agent." Philosophical Medical Ethics: Its Nature 和 Significance. Holl和: Springer, 1977. 234-40.

戴利RW. "Schizoid rule-following." Psychoanal牧师. 1968;55(3):400-14.

戴利RW. "Values: A view from the clinic." Journal of Religion 和 Health. 1967 April;6(2):126-36.

戴利RW. "精神病学 in the deep south." 精神病学杂志. 1964年5月,120:1050-5. 被选编在 Yearbook of Neurology, 精神病学 和 Neurosugery, 1964-65. McKay, Wartin 和 Sugar (eds.). Chicago: Yearbook Medical Publishers, Inc. 1965, 278-79.