

Surgical 住院医生实习期 项目负责人
博士照片. 安德烈亚斯•迈耶 Andreas H. 迈耶博士
Dr. 地中海地中海

根据AAMC的建议,我们将在2023/24申请周期内继续进行住院医师项目的虚拟面试. 请 在这里 了解更多信息.

在上州医科大学, 我们努力使我们的住院医师成为纽约中部最受欢迎和最具竞争力的学术普外科培训项目.

纽约州立大学上州分校的普通外科住院医师项目的使命是“将住院医师培养成全面发展的人”, 富有同情心和熟练的外科医生,为他们提供全面和有益的学习环境。”. 我们的课程结构允许学员个人选择学术职业道路或在私人执业中取得成功.

Since 2018 our program's categorical resident complement is 6 per year. This increase was granted by the RRC based on their review of our educational program.


库尼博士, 我们部门的主席和我都强烈认为外科住院医师项目必须强调 educational component over service. 我们每年都会回顾我们的项目寻找在住院医师中可以进一步改善外科教育的领域. 我们感到非常自豪的是,我们的住院医生在指导和塑造教育议程方面发挥了重要作用. 年度轮换时间表, 假期批准和电话安排由行政总住院医师控制. Residents are assigned to rotation based on the level appropriate educational experience.

上州医科大学 is part of the much larger SUNY system; we are the only 一级创伤中心 我们是纽约州第一家获得美国外科医师学会成人和儿童创伤中心认证的创伤中心. 目前,我们的机构拥有纽约州最大的创伤中心,主要治疗成人和儿童患者.

We provide almost all 普通外科 training experiences within the city of Syracuse.  It is not necessary for any resident to rotate away from their home or family. Opportunities do exist 然而, for senior residents who elect rotations elsew在这里. 为了增加经验的广度,我们在宾厄姆顿校区开始了PGY IV的轮转,宾厄姆顿校区距离锡拉丘兹以南大约一小时的路程. 我们在纽约州波茨坦的一位毕业生也有潜在的农村选修机会.

我们的项目有很大的优势,利用了锡拉丘兹的四家医院:上州医科大学医院, Syracuse Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center, 克劳斯医院, and 上州立大学医院 at Community Campus. 这种多样化的工作为我们的住院医生提供了不同的体验,包括普通外科的私人执业, Colorectal Surgery and 血管手术. 上州提供三级护理的观点和VA提供了一个居民领导的团队方法的优势,以各种各样的一般, 胸血管病人.

我们部门在过去几年中经历了显著的增长,而且这种趋势还在继续. 我们已经为外科的所有部门增加了额外的教员,这个过程正在进行中. The campus at Community Hospital is a rapidly expanding venue for the 外科.

北州最先进的技术 癌症中心 is one of the most advanced cancer centers in the country. 除了提供一流的临床护理,它还为感兴趣的居民提供了基础和转化研究的途径.

尽管我们科室提供了几乎所有外科学科的学习机会, it remains small enough to allow for good mentorship between faculty and each resident. 我们努力只雇用对医学生和住院医师教育有浓厚兴趣或背景的教师. Our faculty members take their teaching responsibilities very seriously. Many of our residents have won teaching awards from the medical students. 我很自豪地说,在过去的几年里,我们机构的外科助理几乎在所有助理中都获得了最高的评分 (during COVID we came in number two...)!

We get to know you personally, as well as professionally. 每位住客都有一位指导老师,我们鼓励所有住客每季度与他们见面. 我们的目标是帮助你们每个人实现自己选择的事业,并尽可能地成为伟大的人. 我们为我们所有的毕业生感到骄傲,他们中的许多人都获得了竞争激烈的奖学金. You can see the career choices of our graduates 在这里. 我们的毕业生认为我们的项目是成功的另一个迹象是,他们中的许多人已经返回我们的教师作为奖学金培训的主治医生.

我系将继续努力优化学员的教育体验. 我们建立了课程和模拟委员会,都有居民参与. 请参阅我们的 说教式教育计划 了解更多详细信息. 我们有一位老年住院医师作为健康冠军,全年组织健康活动. As of March 2023 Dr Jennifer Stanger, 一位儿科外科医生担任了健康项目副主任,以进一步加强我们在这一领域的努力. 她参加了正式的汇报培训,以及如何制定正式的健康课程. This is now integrated into our core curriculum on Wednesdays.

As an academic program we encourage scholarly activity. We do not require that you take time off for research, but we provide opportunities to do so. Currently we have three basic science research laboratories within the Department. We are very open to research projects related to outcomes and quality, and have multiple faculty members with expertise in this field. We also offer external research experiences for residents with specific research interests. 目前我们有一个 resident in research laboratories at McGill University in Montreal, Canada focusing on pediatric surgical outcomes. 我们对提供优秀研究机会的承诺导致了非常成功的竞争奖学金的匹配. 我们2022年毕业的两名总住院医师于2023年8月开始了他们的儿科外科奖学金, which is considered one of the most competitive fellowships.

Let me say a few words about our community. My family relocated to the area in 2012, 然而, 我注意到,我们的许多教师和私人执业的医生已经在这里住了很多年,他们认为这个地区是一个很好的居住地. Both rent and real estate are very affordable and convenient. Some of our residents own their homes within easy commuting distance, others rent apartments that are available close to the hospitals.

Central New York is very family friendly. Local school districts are excellent. T在这里 is a thriving music and theater scene. 锡拉丘兹大学和勒莫恩学院离市中心很近,吸引了各种各样的摇滚乐队. The nearby Turning Stone Casino and Resort have almost weekly national headline acts. Sporting events are readily available as well. We have professional baseball and hockey teams in town. Syracuse University has very competitive basketball, football and lacrosse teams. Be prepared to wear orange when you move 在这里!

For the outdoor enthusiast, the area provides three decent ski areas close by. Cross country skiing and snow shoeing are readily available. T在这里 are hundreds of miles of trails and country roads in the area for running, 徒步旅行, 自行车和山地自行车. Lake Ontario can be reached in little more than an hour as can the St. 劳伦斯航道. The Adirondack Mountains are within an easy morning's drive. Lake Placid can be reached in 3 hours.

New York City is only a 4-5 hour drive. Boston is about 5 hours and even Montreal, a truly international city is about 5-6 hours, 多伦多更近. T在这里 are good train connections to these nearby urban centers as well.

我相信,在纽约州立大学上州医科大学外科,您一定能在这里找到专业和个人的满意. I truly look forward to meeting you!

Andreas H Meier,医学博士. med med FACS FAAP
Michael and Rissa Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics
普通外科住院医师 项目负责人
Vice Chair for 教育, 外科
