

As an academic program, we encourage scholarly activity of our residents. This does not mean that we require all of our residents to take time off for a dedicated research experience. 然而, should you be interested in one or two years of basic or clinical research,  we provide you with opportunities to do so.

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Surgery - Basic Science 研究

Currently, we have three basic science 研究实验室 within 的 外科.


Some of our residents have had very successful research years off campus. Recently, we have had residents participate in fully-funded extramural research at 的 NCI-Surgery分支, 范德比尔特大学 的 弗吉尼亚大学, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center where our residents published in surgical oncology, 胸外科, plastic surgery and colorectal surgery, 分别.

Our current research resident, 亚历山德拉·迪默,医学博士, is participating in a fully-funded research opportunity within 的 Harvey H. Beardmore Division of 小儿外科手术 at McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, QC. 

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Surgery - Clinical 研究

For residents who prefer to complete 的 program in 5 years, we provide alternative opportunities for scholarly work. We are very open to research projects related to outcomes and quality improvement, as many of our faculty members have an interest and expertise in this arena.

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 provides a robust clinical trial environment with several of our surgical divisions participating in multi-centre trials. Please follow 的 link to our 临床试验.

We have multiple faculty members with ei的r formal training or a strong interest in outcomes and quality improvement research and are always looking for residents to collaborate with.

此外, 的re are plenty of clinical research opportunities available, due to 的 large number and complexity of 的 patients we see in our institution. Some of our divisions are involved in 临床试验, which interested residents can participate in. 


Finally, we have increasing opportunities for 教育研究. For example, our program has been one of 的 original 12 institutions (e.g. 西北大学, 哈佛大学, Indiana University) in 的 American Board of Surgery supported SIMPL trial to assess resident performance in 的 operating room. The study was presented at 的 American Surgical in 2017. Since 的n 的 project has expanded to over 100 programs and more than 200 000 performance evaluations have been submitted. Currently, we participate in 的 要害的审判 that attempts to create national learning curves for standard surgical procedures based on this continuously expanding dataset.

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 University Hospital