

研究 is fostered to better understand and treat vascular disease, 通过临床试验, 基础科学, and 临床结果 research. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical Center also has a unique exposure to national trials utilizing cutting-edge endovascular technology.  


Below is a list of several current Vascular research studies our faculty are participating in:

1 - BEST CLI Study: site PI Palma Shaw, MD 

一个随机, 多中心, Controlled Trial to Compare Best Endovascular versus Best Surgical Therapy in Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia.
To evaluate the effectiveness of best endovascular (EVT) compared to best surgical (OPEN) revascularization in patients with CLI and the cost associated with each. 

Currently closed for enrollment. 


2 - BEST Registry-: site PI Palma Shaw, MD 

The primary objective of the BEST-Registry is to enroll patients excluded from the BEST-CLI Trial and thereby assess real- world therapeutic strategies, 临床结果, and costs associated with critical limb ischemia. The study will be a prospective multicenter registry evaluating the real-world therapeutic strategies, 临床结果, and costs associated with patients presenting with critical limb ischemia. Since the BEST Registry is designed to capture real world care, there will be no randomization or required / recommended treatment.


3 -封面研究: COvid-19 Vascular sERvice Study: Site PI Michael Costanza, MD 

This is a multi-center collaborative international prospective study, lead by the Vascular and Endovascular 研究 Network (VERN), is looking at modifications to the vascular service, 状态管理, and outcomes of interventions aimed at capturing global data on vascular practice(s) during the pandemic; to understand the impact on outcomes in the short and medium-term during the COVID-19 pandemic.  


4 - VASCC: Site PI Michael Costanza, MD 

The 血管手术 COVID-19 Collaborative (VASCC) is a retrospectively collected prospective international vascular surgery registry assessing the hematologic changes and patterns associated with COVID-19 infection to evaluate individual practice patterns among vascular surgeons in management of thrombotic and thromboembolic complications. An additional aim of the collaborative is to evaluate the effect of the systematic, 广泛的, and immediate postponement of vascular surgery on patient outcomes around the world.