

静脉曲张对男女都有影响. 这不仅仅是一个表面问题. They are a common medical problem that affects 25% of woman and 10% of men. Left untreated, these damaged veins may progress to a more serious form of venous disease called 慢性静脉功能不全 (CVI). 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Vascular Services offers minimally invasive procedures to treat varicose veins that allow for a short recovery and a quick return to everyday activities.



Varicose veins are caused by broken or missing valves inside the veins. The valves are normally one-way, directing blood from the feet back up to the heart. Once damaged, some blood flows back down the vein and can pool. 这被称为反流. As pressure builds up in the veins from blood pooling, the walls of the vein stretch and become thin and twisted. Some will show beneath the skin as deep blue, often raised, crooked lines.

Risk factors for varicose veins include family history, 肥胖, pregnancy; occupations that require prolonged standing or sitting, 老化, 女性的性别.


并不是所有的静脉曲张都需要治疗. 和任何身体状况一样, it is best to have a complete evaluation with a vein specialist to determine the appropriate way to manage your symptoms. Some symptoms can be managed with compression stockings. Others will need procedures performed to remove the damaged veins to alleviate pain and swelling and prevent more serious complications. Most insurance plans will cover treatment for varicose veins that cause pain or swelling in the legs.


  • 你的腿疼、疼痛或抽筋吗?
  • Do you experience leg or ankle swelling, especially at the end of the day?
  • 你觉得腿“沉”吗?
  • 你的腿不宁吗?
  • Do you have skin discoloration or texture changes in you lower legs?
  • Do you, or have you ever had open wounds or sores on your legs?
  • Do you stand for long periods of time, such as at work?
  • 你经常举重吗?

If you have answered yes to 2 or more of the above questions, you may have varicose veins with significant venous reflux disease and may be a candidate for treatment to remove the damaged veins that cause symptoms.

For more information or to make an consultation appointment, please click here “推荐最近最火的赌博软件” or use the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 button at the top of this page.  
另外,请点击 “我们的团队” to learn more about our 静脉曲张 experts.


At 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Vascular Services you will have a complete evaluation by a vascular specialist or a vascular surgeon. These are doctors who specialize in blood vessel conditions. This evaluation may include a duplex ultrasound to exam the direction of blood flow in your veins and will help determine the treatment plan that’s most appropriate for your condition.

硬化疗法 is used to treat smaller varicose veins and spider veins.


静脉内消融术 uses lasers or radio waves to create heat to close off a varicose vein. At 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Vascular Services, we use Endovenous Thermal Ablation. Endovenous thermal ablation is a minimally invasive treatment that involves the insertion of a thin, flexible tube called a catheter into a diseased vein and uses heat to seal it shut. Blood that would normally return toward the heart through these veins will then travel through other veins instead. Over time the treated vein shrinks and is absorbed by the body. Compared with surgical options like vein stripping, endovenous thermal ablation results in less pain and quicker average recovery time.


步Micro-Phlebectomy is a procedure to remove the larger varicose veins closest to the surface of your skin. Very small cuts are made in your skin over the veins and the veins are removed in segments. The small wounds heal quickly and don’t require sutures.

激光静脉消融: Lasers are used to treat superficial varicose veins and spider veins that are 4 mm or smaller in size. They are effective in removing cosmetically troubling veins and are an alternative to sclerotherapy. Since lasers are used for treatment of cosmetic veins this treatment option is not covered by insurance plans. It is often performed without a diagnostic evaluation of the venous system. Removing superficial varicose veins may be temporary if there is an underlying reflux problem in the larger veins. New varicosities can surface if the greater problem is left untreated.

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Vascular Services is a Team Dedicated to Central New York

When you chose a doctor to treat your vein problems, consider a vascular specialist with 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Vascular Services where you will have a complete evaluation of your vascular system and you can be assured your treatment will be planned according to your personal and medical needs. We have multiple community based office locations where a consultation may be performed at your convenience.

Call us for a consultation appointment today at (315) 464 - vasc.